Source code for sections.sections

Flexible tree data structures for organizing lists and dicts into sections.

from itertools import chain, repeat
from copy import copy
from typing import Set, List, Optional, Union, Any, Dict, Type
from typing import NewType, Tuple, Iterable
from types import FunctionType
from pluralizer import Pluralizer

# SectionAttrs: dict containing user-defined attributes to set for Section
# object nodes. It may also contain a few internally-provided attributes such
# as `parent`, and `name`.
SectionAttr = NewType('SectionAttr', Any)
SectionAttrs = NewType('SectionAttrs', Dict[Any, SectionAttr])

# Represents sections.Section type since cannot define sections.Section yet
Section = NewType('Section', object)

# SectionKeysOrObjects: A List that contains either a Section key, a Section
# object, a set of one of those, or an arbitrarily deep nested list of the
# previously mentioned items
SectionKeysOrObjects = NewType(
    'SectionKeysOrObjects', List[Union[Any, Set[Any], Section, List[Any]]]

# Contains either a Section key, or an arbitrarily deep nested list of them
SectionKeys = NewType('SectionKeys', Union[Any, List[Any]])

# parent can be either another Section object or None (if node is root)
SectionParent = NewType('SectionParent', Union[Section, None])

# A shorthand form for an arbitrary dict
AnyDict = NewType('AnyDict', Dict[Any, Any])

# Valid values for the class Section.gettype:
default = NewType('default', 'default')       # use self.default_gettype
# use hybrid getattr method (see Section.__call__ docstring for more info
hybrid = NewType('hybrid', 'hybrid')
# use full_dict getattr method (see Section.__call__ docstring for more info)
full_dict = NewType('full_dict', 'full_dict')
GetType = NewType('GetType', Union[
    default, hybrid, list, iter, dict, full_dict

class SectionNoneType:
    Indicates the absence of a value as opposed to any possible user-defined
    value that can be given to an attribute. Using this instead of None allows
    users to still set attribute values to None without unexpected behaviour.
    The __str__ override returns `"section"` because a SectionNoneType object
    is used for the keys/names of unnamed nodes, and printing 'section' as the
    node's name makes its printed representation look more sensical.

    def __str__(self) -> str: return 'section'

[docs]class MetaSection(type): """ Parses args and kwds passed to a sections() call or :class:`Section <Section>` instantiation and returns a Section tree structure. Parses node names/keys, separate attrs intended for current node vs child nodes, constructs current node, then recursively repeats for all child nodes. """ _None = SectionNoneType() singular_keyname = 'name' plural_keyname = 'names' default_keyvalue = _None ########################################################################## # Tree structure node construction # def __call__( self, *args: SectionKeysOrObjects, parent: SectionParent = None, **kwds: SectionAttr ) -> Section: """ Construct a tree structure of Section nodes based on the args and kwds provided by user in a sections() call or a Section() instantiation. """ node_attrs, children_attrs, keyname = self._parse_attrs( args, kwds, parent) node = self._construct_node(parent, node_attrs) self._construct_children(node, args, children_attrs, keyname) return node def _parse_attrs( self, args: SectionKeysOrObjects, kwds: SectionAttr, parent: SectionParent ) -> Tuple[SectionAttrs, SectionAttrs, str]: """ From user-provided args and kwds in a sections() or Section() call, parse node names/keys, separate attrs intended for current node vs child nodes, construct current node, then recursively repeat for all child nodes. """ node_attrs, children_attrs = {}, {} keyname = self.singular_keyname keys = {} if self._dict_haskey(kwds, keyname): keys[keyname] = kwds.get(keyname) if (not self._dict_haskey(kwds, keyname) and self._dict_haskey(kwds, self.plural_keyname)): keys[keyname] = kwds.get(self.plural_keyname) if not self._dict_haskey(keys, keyname): keys[keyname] = self._getkeys_from_argskwds(args, kwds) for k, v in {**kwds, **keys}.items(): self._parse_node_attrs(k, v, node_attrs, children_attrs) self._fix_key_if_invalid(node_attrs, parent, keyname) node_attrs['_keyname'] = keyname return node_attrs, children_attrs, keyname def _getkeys_from_argskwds( self, args: SectionKeysOrObjects, kwds: SectionAttrs ) -> SectionKeys: """ Parse keys from args or kwds if it wasn't explicitly provided in kwds. """ return ( list(args)[0] if len(args) == 1 and not isinstance( args[0], list) else list(args) if len(args) >= 1 else ( # no args supplied self.default_keyvalue if len(kwds) == 0 # no kwds supplied else self.default_keyvalue ) ) def _parse_node_attrs( self, name: str, value: Any, node_attrs: SectionAttrs, children_attrs: SectionAttrs ) -> None: """ Extract attrs intended for current node from user-provided args/kwds. """ if not isinstance(value, list): node_attrs[name] = value else: if len(value) > 0 and isinstance(value[0], set): value = copy(value) node_attrs[name] = value.pop(0).copy().pop() children_attrs[name] = value def _fix_key_if_invalid( self, attrs: SectionAttrs, parent: SectionParent, keyname: str ) -> None: """ Enforce that node must have a keyname attr, and disallow key values from properties, callables. """ default_keyvalue = (self.default_keyvalue if parent is None else parent.nofchildren) keyvalue = attrs.get(keyname, default_keyvalue) if (isinstance(keyvalue, FunctionType) or isinstance(keyvalue, property)): keyvalue = default_keyvalue attrs[keyname] = keyvalue def _construct_node( self, parent: SectionParent, attrs: SectionAttrs ) -> Section: """ Construct current node by providing node all its attrs, then update tree structure's class with any provided propertied or methods. """ class_attrs, node_attrs = {}, {} for k, v in attrs.items(): if isinstance(v, FunctionType) or isinstance(v, property): class_attrs[k] = v else: node_attrs[k] = v node = super().__call__(parent=parent, **node_attrs) for k, v in class_attrs.items(): setattr(node.__class__, k, v) return node def _construct_children( self, node: Section, args: SectionKeysOrObjects, children_attrs: SectionAttrs, keyname: str ) -> None: """ Recursively repeat construction per child with extracted child attrs. """ nofchildren_from_attrs, children_from_args = ( self._get_children_data(node, args, children_attrs)) for child in children_from_args: node[getattr(child, keyname)] = child for i in range(nofchildren_from_attrs): child_attrs = {} for k, v in children_attrs.items(): if len(v) > i: child_attrs[k] = v[i] key = child_attrs.get(keyname, i) child_attrs[keyname] = key child = self._get_dictval_i(node, i) if child is None: child = node.__class__(parent=node, **child_attrs) node[getattr(child, keyname)] = child def _get_children_data( self, node: Section, args: SectionKeysOrObjects, attrs: SectionAttrs ) -> Tuple[int, List[Section]]: """ Return number of children nodes implied by provided self.__call__ kwds, and any pre-constructed Section children passed in self.__call__ args. """ nofchildren_from_attrs = ( max(self._len(v) for v in attrs.values()) if attrs else 0) children_from_args = [] for arg in args: from . import Section if isinstance(arg, Section): children_from_args += [arg] return (nofchildren_from_attrs, children_from_args) ########################################################################## # Utilities # def _len(self, x: Any) -> int: """Return len of x if it is iterable, else 0.""" return max(1, len(x)) if isinstance(x, list) else 0 def _dict_haskey(self, d: AnyDict, key: Any) -> bool: "Return True if dict contains user-provided value for key, else False." return d.get(key, MetaSection._None) is not MetaSection._None def _get_dictval_i(self, d: AnyDict, i: int) -> Any: """Get value in iterator position i from dict as if its a list.""" ret = None for ii, value in enumerate(d.values()): if ii == i: ret = value break return ret
[docs]class Section(dict, metaclass=MetaSection): """ Objects instantiated by :class:`Section <Section>` are nodes in a sections tree structure. Each node has useful methods and properties for organizing lists/dicts into sections and for conveniently accessing/modifying the sub-list/dicts from each section/subsection. """ ########################################################################## # tree-structure-wide attributes for every node # # class attributes act as tree-structure-wide attributes across all nodes. # This is possible because each sections() module call returns a unique # copy of the Section class, giving each individual structure its own class # Choose whether to use a cache in each node. The cache contains # quickly-readable references to attribute iterables parsed from manually # traversing through descendant nodes in a previous read. The caches are # invalidated when the tree structure or node attribute values change. # Using the cache can often make structure attribute reading faster by 5x # and even much more. The downside is that it also increases memory used by # roughly 5x as well. This is not a concern on a general-purpose computer # for structures containing less than 1000 nodes or 10,000 nodes, although # further testing is required to confirm this. After 10,000 nodes, it may # be recommended to turn the structure class attribute `use_cache` to # False. use_cache = True # See method Section.get_nearest_attr's doctring for a full description of # gettype and its default value. 'hybrid' returns a list if more than 1 # element is found, else return the non-iterable raw form of the element default_gettype = 'hybrid' use_pluralsingular = True _None = MetaSection._None _pluralizer = Pluralizer() _plurals = {} _singulars = {} _setattr_invalidate_cache_excludes = [ 'default_gettype', 'use_cache', ] ########################################################################## # init # def __init__(self, **kwds: SectionAttrs) -> None: """Set object attr for every attr in kwds and init attr cache.""" if self.use_cache and self.isleaf: self._cache = {} for name, value in kwds.items(): self.__setattr__(name, value, _invalidate_cache=False) ########################################################################## # tree structure node access and info # @property def cls(self) -> Type[Section]: """The unique structure-wide class of each node.""" return self.__class__ @ property def nofchildren(self) -> int: """Nunber of children Sections/nodes.""" return len(self) @ property def isroot(self, ) -> bool: """True iff self node has not parent.""" return self.parent is None @ property def ischild(self, ) -> bool: """True iff self node has a parent.""" return self.parent is not None @ property def isparent(self, ) -> bool: """True iff self node has any children.""" return self.nofchildren > 0 @ property def isleaf(self, ) -> bool: """True iff self node has no children.""" return self.nofchildren == 0 @ property def children(self) -> Section: """ Get self nodes's children. Returns a Section node that has no public attrs and has shallow copies of self node's children as its children. This can be useful if self has an attr `attr` but you want to access a list of the childrens' attr `attr`, then write section.children.attr to access the attr list. """ node = self.cls() node.update(self) setattr(node, node._keyname, self._None) return node @ property def sections(self) -> Section: """A synonym for property :meth:`children <Section.children>`.""" return self.children @ property def leaves_iter(self) -> iter: """ Return iterator that iterates through all self's leaf node descendants. """ return (chain(*(child.leaves_iter for child in self.values())) if self.isparent else repeat(self, 1)) @ property def leaves(self) -> Section: """ Get all leaf node descendants of self. Returns a Section node that has no public attrs and has shallow copies of self node's leaves as its children. This can be useful if self has an attr `attr` but you want to access a list of the leaves' attr `attr`, then write section.leaves.attr to access the leaf attr list. """ return self.node_withchildren_fromiter(self.leaves_iter) @ property def entries(self) -> Section: """A synonym for property :meth:`leaves <Section.leaves>`.""" return self.leaves
[docs] def node_withchildren_fromiter(self, itr: iter) -> Section: """ Perform a general form of the task performed in :meth:`leaves <Section.leaves>`. Return a Section node with any children referenced in the iterable from the `itr` argument. """ node = self.cls() for leaf in itr: node[getattr(leaf, self._keyname)] = (leaf) setattr(node, node._keyname, self._None) return node
########################################################################## # Attribute access/modification # def _invalidate_cache(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Empty descendant attribute cache entirely or just for attribute `name` for self node and all parent nodes until root. This should be done every time a node is added or removed from the tree, or when a node attribute is changed. """ node = self while node: if node.use_cache and not node.isleaf: if name: plural, singular = self._get_plural_singular(name) node._cache.pop(name, None) node._cache.pop(plural, None) node._cache.pop(singular, None) else: node.__setattr__('_cache', {}, _invalidate_cache=False) node = node.parent
[docs] def __setattr__( self, name: str, value: Any, _invalidate_cache=True ) -> None: """ If value is a list, recursively setattr for each child node with the corresponding value element from the value list. """ if isinstance(value, list): for child, v in zip(self.values(), value): setattr(child, name, v) else: super().__setattr__(name, value) if (_invalidate_cache and name[0] != '_' and not self.cls._setattr_invalidate_cache_excludes.count(name)): self._invalidate_cache(name)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """ Called if self node does not have attribute `name`, in which case try finding attribute `name` from :meth:`__call__ <Section.__call__>`. """ return self.__call__(name)
[docs] def __call__( self, name: str, gettype: GetType = 'default' ) -> Union[Any, List[Any]]: """ Run :meth:`get_nearest_attr <Section.get_nearest_attr>`. This returns attribute `name` from self if self contains the attribute in either the singular or plural form for `name`. Else, try the same pattern for each of self's children, putting the returned results from each child into a list. Else, raise AttributeError. :param name: The name of the attribute to find in self or self's descendants :param gettype: Valid values are `'default'`, `'hybrid'` `list`, `iter`, `dict`, `'full_dict'`. Setting to `'default'` uses the value of self.default_gettype for gettype. Setting to `'hybrid'` returns a list if more than 1 element is found, else returns the non-iterable raw form of the element. Setting to `list` returns a list containing the attribute values. Setting to `iter` returns an iterable iterating through the attribute values. Setting to `dict` returns a dict containing pairs of the containing node's name with the attribute value. Setting to `'full_dict'` is faster than `dict` and returns a dict containing pairs of a reference to each node and its attribute value. `'full_dict'` output is visually identical to `dict` for printing purposes, but it will contain all attributes even if some source nodes have duplicate names. The only downside to `'full_dict'` that the keys cannot be referenced by name like with `dict`, but all values() are still valid. :return: The attribute `name` of self if present, else an iterable object containing the attribute `name` formed from the nearest relatives of self. The type of the iterable object depends on `gettype`. """ return self.get_nearest_attr(name, gettype=gettype)
[docs] def get_nearest_attr( self, name: str, gettype: GetType = 'default', ) -> Union[Any, List[Any], Iterable[Any], AnyDict]: """ Default method called by :meth:`__call__ <Section.__call__>`. See the docstring of :meth:`__call__ <Section.__call__>` for the full details. :meta private: """ attrs = self._get_nearest_attr(name) return self._parse_top_getattr(name, attrs, gettype=gettype)
def _get_nearest_attr( self, name: str, ) -> Union[List[Any], Iterable[Any], AnyDict]: """ Internal recursively called method for performing :meth:`get_nearest_attr <Section.get_nearest_attr>`. This method performs the same task as get_nearest_attr, except that the returned attributes are always in a `full_dict`. """ attrs = self.__dict__.get(name, self._None) if attrs is self._None and self.use_pluralsingular: plural, singular = self._get_plural_singular(name) attrs = self.__dict__.get(plural, self._None) if attrs is self._None and self.use_pluralsingular: attrs = self.__dict__.get(singular, self._None) if attrs is not self._None: return {self: attrs} elif self.use_cache and not self.isleaf: attrs = self._cache.get(name, self._None) if attrs is self._None: attrs = {} for child in self.values(): attrs.update(child._get_nearest_attr(name)) if self.use_cache and not self.isleaf: self._cache[name] = attrs return attrs def _parse_top_getattr( self, name: str, attrs: Any, gettype: GetType = 'default', ) -> Union[Any, List[Any], Iterable[Any], AnyDict]: """ Internal method for :meth:`get_nearest_attr <Section.get_nearest_attr>`. This method will return an iterable of a type depending on :param gettype: if values from multiple nodes are returned from :meth:`_get_nearest_attr <Section._get_nearest_attr>`, else if one value is found (from the root caller node) then the raw value is returned (not in an iterable), else raise AttributeError if no values are found. """ if not len(attrs): raise AttributeError(name) if gettype == 'default': gettype = self.default_gettype if gettype is list or gettype == 'hybrid': attrs = list(attrs.values()) if len(attrs) == 1 and gettype == 'hybrid': attrs = attrs[0] elif gettype is dict: attrs = eval(repr(attrs)) elif gettype is iter: attrs = attrs.values() return attrs
[docs] def get_node_attr(self, name: str, gettype: GetType = 'default') -> Any: """ Return attribute `name` only from self as opposed to searching for attribute `attr` in descendant nodes as well. """ attr = {self: self.__dict__.get(name, self._None)} return self._parse_top_getattr(name, attr, gettype=gettype)
def _get_plural_singular(self, name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Compute the plural and singular forms of `name` and store the results in a dict because calculating them repeatedly can be computationally expensive. The dicts are structure-wide attributes common to all nodes in a structure. """ plural = self._plurals.get(name) singular = self._singulars.get(name) if not plural: plural = self._pluralizer.plural(name) self._plurals[singular] = plural self._plurals[plural] = plural self._plurals[name] = plural if not singular: singular = self._pluralizer.singular(name) self._singulars[singular] = singular self._singulars[plural] = singular self._singulars[name] = singular return plural, singular ########################################################################## # misc overrides # def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Allows Section objects to be hashable, used in :meth:`get_nearest_attr <Section.get_nearest_attr` to keep a dict of which node every attr came from, even if nodes share the same name. """ return hash(id(self)) def __eq__(self, x: Any) -> bool: """For making Section objects be hashable.""" return id(self) == id(x) def __ne__(self, x: Any) -> bool: """For making Section objects be hashable.""" return id(self) != id(x) def __bool__(self) -> bool: """ For convenience when checking if a node reference is valid or None. """ return True
[docs] def update(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> None: """ Invalidate descendant attr cache after adding/removing nodes. :meta private: """ self._invalidate_cache() super().update(*args, **kwds)
[docs] def setdefault(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any: """Not supported yet. :meta private:""" raise NotImplementedError( 'Section.setdefault() is not yet implemented.' )
[docs] def pop(self, name: Any) -> Any: """ Remove child `name` from self. """ self._invalidate_cache() return super().pop(name)
[docs] def popitem(self) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """Remove last added child from self.""" self._invalidate_cache() return super().popitem()
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Section]: """ By default iterate over child nodes instead of their names/keys. """ for v in self.values(): yield v
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name: Any) -> Section: """ Return child node `name` of self. """ return super().__getitem__(name)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, name: Any, value: Union[Section, AnyDict]) -> None: """ Add a child `name` to self. Ensure added children are converted to the same unique Section type as the rest of the nodes in the structure, and update its name to `name`, and its parent to self. """ assert name.__hash__ from . import Section if isinstance(value, Section): if isinstance(value, self.cls): child = value child.__setattr__('parent', self, _invalidate_cache=False) child.__setattr__(child._keyname, name, _invalidate_cache=False) else: attrs = {k: v for k, v in value.__dict__.items() if k[0] != '_'} attrs.pop(value._keyname, None) child = self.cls(name, **{**attrs, 'parent': self}) elif isinstance(value, dict): child = self.cls(name, **{**value, 'parent': self}) else: raise ValueError super().__setitem__(name, child) self._invalidate_cache()
########################################################################## # string representation # @property def _name(self) -> str: """ Easily get the name/key of self node. This is slightly non-trivial because the name of the attribute representing the nodes name/key is contained in self._keyname and may be user-customizable in the future. """ return getattr(self, self._keyname) def __str__(self) -> str: """Return self._name by default when printing self. Use :meth:`node_str <Section.node_str>` or :meth:`deep_str <Section.deep_str>` for printing a more detailed view of the node or entire structure.""" return str(self._name) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ For use in :meth:`_parse_top_getattr <Section._parse_top_getattr>`. Allows a dict with Section keys to easily be converted to a dict with node names as keys instead so that the values can actually be accessed through the names. TODO: A better approach not using repr for this will likely need to be implemented for the above in the future so that a valid repr string can be returned when used for other uses. """ return "'" + str(self._name) + "'"
[docs] def node_str(self) -> str: """ Neatly print the public attributes of the Section node and its class, as well as its types property output. """ s = '' other_params = { str(self.cls): self._node_types, 'children': (list(self.keys())), } if self.isleaf: other_params.pop('children') do_repr = False attrs = {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k[0] != '_'} attrs.pop(self._keyname, None) attrs = {**other_params, **{self._keyname: str(self._name)}, **attrs} for key, value in attrs.items(): if isinstance(value, Section): value = str(value._name) if self.isroot and key == 'parent': continue final_keylen = 30 prev_keylen = len(key) space = ' ' * max(final_keylen - prev_keylen, 0) value = repr(value) if do_repr else str(value) s += f'{key}{space}: ' + value + '\n' do_repr = True return s
[docs] def deep_str( self, breadthfirst: bool = True, _topcall: bool = True ) -> str: """ Print the output of :met:`node_str <Section.node_str` for self and all of its descendants. """ s = '' if _topcall: s += '#'*79 + '\n' if breadthfirst: s += self.node_str() if breadthfirst: for key, child in self.items(): s += child.node_str() else: s += self.node_str() for child in self.values(): s += child.deep_str(breadthfirst, _topcall=False) if _topcall: s += '#'*79 + '\n' return s
@property def _node_types(self) -> str: """Return info about the position of self node in the structure.""" s = '' divider = ', ' if self.isroot: s += 'root' + divider if self.ischild: s += 'child' + divider if self.isparent: s += 'parent' + divider if self.isleaf: s += 'leaf' + divider return s[:-len(divider)]